Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Yeah yeah yeah

I know it's been a bit since I blogged, but after I get home this weekend, I'll try to take time to catch you up on the last ten weeks or so. I've just been quite busy despite depression and health issues.

So, I'll be in KS in time for supper on Saturday, and I will be around until July 29. There are pals I'm hoping to see, and you know who you are (especially you four -- Mouse, Psi, 'wela, Lachlan -- who I have not seen since P's funeral). So much to do this trip:

-- get my stupid blood under control

-- finish one manuscript, start two others

-- hang out with my peeps and hug 'em all (especially the 6-month-old nephew) 'til their eyes bug out

-- read a s*** ton of research articles

-- see HP and the Half-Blood Prince

-- get some things fixed on my chair

-- fun, novel-type reading

-- maybe talk Rolando into going to the zoo, especially the one near my house

-- do my yearlies with the cardiologist, the neurologist, the pulmonologist, and the urologist

For now, more library research. 'Night!

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