Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Making disability a campaign issue

My friend Kim sent me this link earlier today in an email titled, "Another reason to love Obama." Obama is the only presidential potential to list disabilities as its own separate issue on his campaign website. I have only skimmed through Clinton's and McCain's campaign websites, but so far I have not even seen where they address disabilities in connection with another topic (like health insurance or ethics). I've read through the first two points of Obama's plan -- providing PWDs the educational opportunities they need to succeed and ending discrimination/promoting equal opportunity -- and I like what I've read. I'm interested in reading how he plans to address his last two points -- increasing the employment rate of PWDs and supporting independent, community based living -- but alas, I have more immediate academic problems to ponder such as:

Why have I lost approximately 210 of my original 240 fish I just bought a month ago?


Jennifer said...

Hillary does address helping PWD's under her healthcare plan.

Dawn Allenbach said...

Thanks for the head's up. I had only skimmed that section. I will look it over.

Michelle said...

Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I read it but before I could leave a comment my Internet connection went down. Over the weekend my husband fixed the problem, so hopefully it stays up and working now! Anyways, I had wanted to say that she sent me this link the other day too. I was starting to lean more towards Obama until I read Jennifer's comment. Now I will need to read Hillary's Health care section more thoroughly, for I also just skimmed it.