Monday, January 4, 2010

Good thoughts, please

With the final transcript being logged this morning and my third letter of reference being uploaded moments ago, my Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowship application is officially complete. Wish me luck in getting it this time. It's for a stipend of $21,000 for living expenses so I can actually be in NO to complete my final year.

Also, if you have an extra thought/prayer to spare, would you ask that the National Science Foundation have pity on me and resubmit my grant application to the "appropriate program"? We received an email on Christmas Eve morning that my grant proposal had been thrown out because it wasn't appropriate for the Division of Environmental Biology program.

My whole dissertation is about how environmental stressors alter the development and reproduction (both biological processes) of fish. Huh?


Elizabeth McClung said...

After the bleeping of swear words stop, I prayed that the crusty hearts be open and actually try to care about the people who care about science - and yes, approve the grant after accepting it.

Dawn Allenbach said...

Beth -- Thanks. I appreciate the help.