Friday, November 7, 2008

Two days of Halloween

Aaarrrrrr! These are from the 30th. Costume put together with stuff I already had.



Side, to show off my piratey hair tie:


Look! It's a Hummer! It's a tank! It's Supergimp! From the 31st. Thanks to Sarah for making the shirt and to Kim for loaning me my curtain-cape.



Elizabeth McClung said...

wow, you look great! You look fantastic, I want a friend that can make me look fantastic too. You look really great in that outfit - a pirates life for you - definately.

Neil said...

Hi: I LOVE the super-logo! And you look lovely as a pirate. Or might ye be the legal kind: a privateer? Sow us yer letter of marque, lass, or risk bein' arrested by the navy! :)

Dawn Allenbach said...

Beth -- Yo ho ho! Pass the rum and send Johnny and Orlando over to play "what's in my tressure chest."

Neil -- I laugh in the face of your navy, and I'll leave a marque on your cap'n he'll ne'er forget! It's funny you should mention privateers, because that's my school's mascot.