Friday, September 19, 2008

Wow! Really?

According to The Telegraph, Stephen Hawking is considering leaving Cambridge for Ontario. It's merely a consideration, but maybe it will reopen the eyes of British funding agencies if they might lose one of their most amazing scientific resources.

I for one hope he does it. It would make it easier for me to hero-stalk him if he's on THIS side of the pond.

Reading another article from last year about Dr. Hawking's 65th birthday, and a photo caption reads, "He was struck down by motor neurone disease when he was 21 and given a year or two to live." He was not struck down. He brought physics to the non-physicist. He won a Putlitzer Prize. He's taught people with severe disabilities a thing or two about keepin' on. He was not struck down.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Struck down?! LOL--the man has done all these amazing things and lived for over 40 years with ALS (which is amazing in itself) Talk about strength!