Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Countdown to GE Day -- 7 days

::checks clock:: Gads, it's only 6:59 a.m. I've been up for two hours, but it seems like more.

Checklist for General Exam

-- proposal document with figures, tables, and references -- DONE

-- send proposal to dissertation committee -- DONE

-- Powerpoint presentation -- DONE

-- send Powerpoint to advisor for review -- ATTEMPTED (but it bounced back as too big for inbox)

-- practice talk -- TO DO

-- read some literature in a vain attempt to prepare for defense -- TO DO

-- check laser presenter to be sure batteries are good -- TO DO

-- stockpile chocolate as stress reliever -- DONE

-- be nervous -- DONE

-- be extremely nervous -- TO DO

-- take nap -- WANTED BADLY

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