Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's been a while

Well, life goes on -- even when you lose the majority of your baby fish to a power outage brought on by a hurricane. You get frustrated, you get mildly (or not so mildly) depressed, but you just keep plugging because the alternative -- the big "Q" -- makes you feel like you're going to throw up.

So what have I been up to? I've been analyzing hatching data collected by my assistants which is at times a bit confusing to figure out. I've been working on an essay about how scientists can actually in fact be spiritual that I will submit for consideration by an author who is putting together an anthology on totemism and animism. I need to be working harder on it as it's due on November 1st. I also need to be working harder on my prospectus, the presentation for my General Exam, a fellowship application (since I probably won't be finished by next summer with this latest setback), and a poster abstract for a conference in the spring. The fellowship application and the poster abstract are due by the end of November.

I do my best work under stress.

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