Wednesday, November 9, 2011

And the winner is . . .

I just received a letter from the Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation that I am one of this year's recipients of the Peter John Loux Award. The award is given "in recognition and honor of an outstanding Kansan who has demonstrated exceptional desire and dedication in overcoming the difficulties caused by physical or neurological disabilities." My friend MF nominated me, and my friends SB and AF and my aunt CS sent letters of support.

I receive $1000 which will go into my "special needs" trust with my Wreck settlement.

Guess I'd better finish setting up the trust.


Elizabeth McClung said...

Huzzah! Good for one research trip or conference perhaps?

Elizabeth McClung said...

Huzzah! Good for one research trip or conference perhaps?

Dawn Allenbach said...

Beth -- Possibly. It could also go for moving costs when I get a post doc position.

Speaking of that . . . . After you got your Ph.D., did you do a post doc or did you go right into teaching?

Jane McIrvin said...

Congratulations......I can't think of anyone more deserving!

Dawn Allenbach said...

Jane -- Thank you!

Elizabeth McClung said...

teaching, I never applied for post-doc, though that is standard in the UK. 2-3 years post doc, then teaching. But I like teaching. And writing for publication is not fun, for conferences, more fun. Move to the UK! Conferences are paid for by department because they are only a $45 rail pass away!

Elizabeth McClung said...

P.S. - keep pushing, keep getting back up, like you show that you have, again and again. Living is very hard, and even if it takes 10 times the focus, the effort, the drive to do a paper, a presentation, a research plan - keep going. Don't let yourself become invisible just because that makes things easier for others. (odd comments from a morbid mood, went into shock today)

Dawn Allenbach said...

Not morbid -- good advice from someone who has been there.

I know I've been conspicuously missing from your blog, but I've been doing that with all blogs. I have so much to do to get a draft of this dissertation to my advisor by February 9, and I have so much distraction thanks to the fatigue and aches brought on by the cold weather. And then there's the holiday shopping.

I think of you every day. Do you still need some fish oil caps?