Friday, November 26, 2010

Three years

Three years. Today, once again, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I sat in my room and cried, hard, for fifteen minutes -- oddly enough at almost exactly the same time that he died. Just when I think the hole in my heart is starting to heal, I find I'm wrong.

I miss you, Pauley. I miss you so much.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Somebody in the voter registration office dropped the ball and failed to send out the mail-in ballots for all the voters registered here at DH&R -- so now I am not going to able to voice my opinion about our next governor, attorney general, or congress-people. You can bet that I will voice my opinion about the irresponsibility of the voter registration office.

Monday, November 1, 2010

ROTD -- Return of the Dawn

I'm still at the rehab facility healing my broken bones (work in that area is progressing slowly, but it is progressing), but the corporate office had blocked a lot of networking/blogging sites, thus my absence. However, my laptop crashed Saturday, necessitating the need to purchase a new one. I picked out a sweet little number -- a Sony Vaio with 6 GB of RAM, a 640 GB hard drive, and amazing graphics with which to measure my fish heads -- and I decided to splurge on a mobile broadband device so I can do the Internet my way. I feel like I'm channeling my techno-geek brother.

In other news -- my most recent fishy paper has been accepted for publication! After four and a half years, at least a dozen revisions, and three journals, it's finally in! ::D does the happy dance:: It should be published electronically sometime this week, but I'm not sure when it will be in print.

How are all of you?