Monday, August 31, 2009


My friend Lynlee sent me a link tonight to Rate My Professor. She had been looking around on the site and came across two ratings of my brother from when he tutored at the English department's Writing Center.

with the lone exception of driving home from a blue oyster cult reunion concert in the rain while the troubled young girl you met at the show sleeps it off in your lap, there's nothing better than a tutorial from paul allenbauch, whose sustained grammatical brilliance even rivals the rockingness of the post-solo feedback in "don't fear the reaper."

And the second, who seemed to really know P:

Paul is the heart and soul of not only matters in english but of humanity as well. He brings it like the hammer of Thor reigning oer the lands thirsting for his unbridled and unmatched brilliance.Dig deep my friends for he may break waves upon the proverbial rocks of your soul but the cool spray will leave you wanting the rainbow left in its mist

All spelling and grammatical errors are the students' own. :-)

I smiled when I read these. I was glad to see there were two people willing to put their appreciation of P's help out there on the Internet. My brother was the self-professed "grammar god" of the writing center, and he loved teaching students about the intricacies of punctuation, verb tense, a good introductory paragraph, and writing an essay that actually addressed the assignment even as he threatened to phrenologize the occasional student for bad comma placement.

I miss him and his empty threats.